The 13th batch was a success as the founder(s), facilitators completed the classes of 20 subjects beginning from introductory subject: "The Eye of Your Understanding" and ending with "Kingdom Influencers". This year's batch, Edmonds Owhorode updated the subject "Kingdom Influencers" with four new topics/ additional subjects making the subject whole in itself, comprising of various Humanitarian Outreach project, an apostolic initiative for community development.
Initially, the students of this English batch seemed very skeptical, gave a very tranquil gaze and had created an atmosphere of unnecessary silence at first, but as the classes went on the atmosphere was charged with reality of God's love as each student could see the testimonies of the faculties as similar with their experiences in life, they automatically responded throughout most of the classes, and on the graduation day the complete gamut of their response astonished and blew everyone as the celebration was flooded with distinguishing testimonies by each student. Surely, the transformed continued as they received the word of God with an open heart.
Apostle Edmonds and Prophetess Joanna(Agape) Owhorode, were once again filled with joy to see the success of God's word prevailing in the lives of their students as they witnessed the occasion.
The graduation ceremony ended with a grand reception buffet at a 3star restaurant where all the participants and their family members were invited to celebrate their loved ones, and upto fifty eight persons celebrated the buffet including the students, their family members, friends, facilitators and the founders. Everyone enjoyed the day and love was in the air as they celebrated in fellowship and reflected on the profound lessons they learnt during the two weeks course. Praise the Lord. The Word of God is prevailing in their lives and it is working. Jesus is Lord.