THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE Myself and Prophetess Joanna Owhorode were thrilled to see that God always finishes what He started. 26-06-2016, we graduated our first batch PTC (Pastoral Training Course) students, it was amazing, the air was filled the aroma of victory the manifestations of the sons and daughters of love. Each one took their PTC certificate with the declaration of faith and the decree of Biblical New Testaments beliefs. 7 pastors were certified and ordained after 3years course. The were anointed for the new office by the laying on of hands. Jesus is Lord, thank you all for your prayer and support, the best is yet to come. | |
Each student presented their speech with several years of their experience in ministry with Apostle Edmonds & Prophetess Joanna Owhorode. Pastor Jake Agape, Pastor Esther Agape, Pastor Daniel Makarios, Pastor Esther Makarios, Pastor John G.S, Pastor Elisha John, and Pastor Priya Vijay. This maiden batch has been sent into the field of harvest of souls the Lord with them working them confirming their words with signs and wonders.