BTS Continues...
The BTS2024 batch has excited young people in the batch that is first all female batch in the history of BTS. Always excited to receive the truth as they hear it. Full of young minds that experienced salvation and longing to develop themselves in the truth they received. Every class was a mind blower for them, discovering truth that was hidden from them all these years of their childhood Christianity, now those realities are standing up tall before them as they fellowship with the word. As it is in BTS, God's love expressed through His love being the core value in BTS, has taken the young minds into another world of experience, laughter, joy and supernatural enlightenment. They get into each of their classes with serious expectation of what they will be learning that day. And the experience has been from glory to glory and from faith to faith. Listen and watch some of the clas viseo feedback. WATCH VIDEO FEEDBACKS OF PARTICIPANTS BELLOW |
MY NAME IS INIYA HARRISH, in the subject I learnt what Kingdom of God is, I would like to remember always the benefits of the Kingdom of God on earth. BELIEVERS AUTHORITY IN ACTION | VICTORIA CHARIS & ZARA KATHIK, speaks their experience in the class Believer's Authority in Action (BAA), both students were so embolden by the fact the they have been spiritual authority here on the earth by the Lord. They encouraged others to discover this and use in their lives. BLESSY & INIYA, shares their experience on the subject BAA they learnt that the Believer in Christ Jesus has power over the enemy and they must learn how to exercise it. |