To listen to the Audio File >CLICK HERE<
Who is a BELIEVER? Can a believer cast out demons?
When and where do we use the authority and power given to us?
Join Apostle Edmonds Owhorode as He teaches the subject BELIEVER'S AUTHORITY
Note: These classes are strictly to be shared among registered students only. After your class please fill up your feedback forms online here
Facilitator: Apostle Edmonds Owhorode
To listen to the Audio File >CLICK HERE<
Who is a BELIEVER? Can a believer cast out demons?
When and where do we use the authority and power given to us?
Join Apostle Edmonds Owhorode as He teaches the subject BELIEVER'S AUTHORITY
Note: These classes are strictly to be shared among registered students only. After your class please fill up your feedback forms online here
Facilitator: Apostle Edmonds Owhorode