8th BTS Batch @ Huvina Hadagalli
First Successful Kannada BTS Outreach IN HUVINA HADAGALI
This was the first time Apostle Edmonds and Prophetess Joanna Owhorode, with their team members of instructors (who were graduates from the same training) conducted Kannada BTS in Huvina Hadagali, Bellary District. The BTS was held in Shalom Church, Huvina Hadagali headed by Pst. Hallesh Nayak. This 8th BTS batch consisted of 65 students that came from different parts of Karnataka to learn God’s word which would equip them to live a victorious Christian life and for the work of the ministry. This batch had the highest registration of students for BTS. Classes were held from 20th of October to 24th of October followed by BTS graduation. Classes were conducted from morning 9:00am to 4pm in the evening with a break of one hour for the lunch. Aptl Edmonds, Prpt. Joanna and team consisting of four instructors taught the subjects as instructed to them. RESPONSE OF STUDENTS The students who attended the BTS classes were very amazed to know how each class was very different, new and packed with truth they have never heard before containing life changing realities. They responded saying that, “I NENER KNEW BIBLE CLASSSES CAN BE SO VERY INTERESTING’. This was the first time that were learning God’s word in such an intensive manner and got to know the importance of God’s word in their lives. Even the translator who translated from English to Kannada was amazed at the teachings and said that he has never known God’s word taught so powerful, simple and with reality. Not to forget the Pastor himself of Shalom Church where the BTS took place was also a student and was very transformed and touched by the BTS classes. Finally the BTS ended in a grand style followed by the BTS graduation were students were given their certificates by Aptl. Edmonds Owhorode and Prpt. Joanna Owhorode and various testimonies followed of transformed lives and families. Basic Training Session May 2014 Batch