To listen to the Audio File >CLICK HERE<
Who do you pray to ? Many Christians pray to Jesus which is not right.
We pray to Father in the Name of Jesus by The Holy Spirit.
Why do think Jesus spoke in Parables? Get into today's class you will find certain corrections that Jesus made.
Join Prophetess Joanna Owhorode as she teaches about the Relationship of Jesus Christ.
Note: These classes are strictly to be shared among
registered students only. After your class please
fill up your feedback forms online here
Facilitator: Pastor Suchithra P. (Tamil Audio, voice)
To listen to the Audio File >CLICK HERE<
Who do you pray to ? Many Christians pray to Jesus which is not right.
We pray to Father in the Name of Jesus by The Holy Spirit.
Why do think Jesus spoke in Parables? Get into today's class you will find certain corrections that Jesus made.
Join Prophetess Joanna Owhorode as she teaches about the Relationship of Jesus Christ.
Note: These classes are strictly to be shared among
registered students only. After your class please
fill up your feedback forms online here
Facilitator: Pastor Suchithra P. (Tamil Audio, voice)