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KINGDOM OF GOD is heaven, that is the mindset that many Christians carry not knowing that Kingdom of God is in them. You will learn how to access this kingdom and your responsibilities in it.
Join Prophetess Joanna Owhorode to study and understand the subject KINGDOM OF GOD.
Note: These classes are strictly to be shared among registered students only. After your class please fill up your feedback forms online here
Facilitator: Pastor Suchithra P. (Tamil Audio, voice)
To listen to the Audio File >CLICK HERE<
KINGDOM OF GOD is heaven, that is the mindset that many Christians carry not knowing that Kingdom of God is in them. You will learn how to access this kingdom and your responsibilities in it.
Join Prophetess Joanna Owhorode to study and understand the subject KINGDOM OF GOD.
Note: These classes are strictly to be shared among registered students only. After your class please fill up your feedback forms online here
Facilitator: Pastor Suchithra P. (Tamil Audio, voice)